Breathwork uses the simplest yet the most powerful healing tool available to you – your breath. Every day we take on average 20,000 breaths, and most of us are shallow breathers without knowing it. Your breath when used adequately is able to shift your physical, mental and emotional health rapidly. The way you breathe affects every system and function in your body.

Improper breathing and low levels of oxygen are a contributor to poor health. Shallow breathing increases stress & anxiety levels, affects the immune system, digestive health, sleep and the ability to detoxify amongst other things.

By changing the way you breathe you can change the way you live, how you feel, your energy levels and stress levels. As a therapy, Breathwork brings in the mind, body and spirit. People are often surprised at what can come up in a session when they start to let go and intentionally breathe deeper.

Your breath is one of the most important pillars of health. As the first and last thing you do in life, the way you breathe is as unique as your fingerprint.

I combine a variety of methods from coaching, breathwork and energy healing to create sessions that are unique for you and your personal intentions. Our sessions are a safely held, trauma-informed space.

Working together in 1-on-1 sessions I will teach you conscious breathing techniques and relaxation tools that you can use to thrive in your daily life.


- Dr Henry Smith-Rohrberg.


Alongside Breathwork I bring coaching & mentoring into our sessions to create personalised health transformation programmes.

We work with the breath to bring about change on a cellular level, and holistic health coaching to integrate your experiences into a lifestyle that works for you. This combination can have a powerful impact on your development and create lasting change.

Breathwork sessions work on a deep level and the greatest benefits can come when we implement our learnings.


I work intuitively weaving coaching tools into our 1-on-1 breathwork sessions to create a nurturing environment focussed on you. If we feel you’d benefit from more coaching, we’ll find a unique balance for you. Having support as you make changes in your life can be powerful for consistency and accountability.

I’ll provide guidance, mindfulness tools, EFT, cheerleading and integration coaching to support you in your intentions and direction. I help you come into alignment and feel guided as you move forward with greater confidence. We may explore limiting beliefs, what health means to you, supporting you to level up and move from a place of surviving to thriving.

I work with you to remember your power, gain clarity and feel more present with yourself and life. You’ll feel more hopeful, energised, connected to your intuition and inner truth.

By changing the way you breathe, you can change the way you live, how you feel, your energy levels and stress levels — Sophie


For the body

✔ Supports for natural body processes, including a healthy immune systems and elimination of toxins

reduction in pain, fatigue and greater sustainable energy

✔ Improves sleep, focus and concentration

✔ Improves the metabolism and stimulates the digestive system

✔ Revitalises the body

✔ Improves circulation and increases cardiovascular capacity

✔ Slows the heart rate & lowers blood pressure

✔ Detoxification

For the nervous system & emotions

✔ Gentle release of trauma, tension and trapped emotions

✔ Restores emotional wellbeing

✔ Increases ability to manage strong emotions & display new behaviours

✔ Increases mental wellness, clarity & inner confidence

✔ Helps alleviate stress, depression, anxiety & addiction

✔ Calmer, more regulated nervous system and greater emotional resilience

For the mind & spirit

✔ Increases presence, creativity, decision making, speaking up & being heard

✔ Experience expanded states of awareness similar to psychedelic experiences

✔ Deeper connection to self, your purpose and intuition

✔ Helps to develop a strong sense of self

✔ Increases joy, self-compassion & kindness

✔ Brings a new positive outlook on life, focusing on the positive

✔ alleviates self sabotage and limiting beliefs


After assessing your needs a session together will include breathing exercises, movement, coaching, visualisations, guided self-massage, sound and energy healing. Working together you’ll be empowered to learn simple, yet transformative tools to support your wellbeing and increase vitality. Each session is unique, so coming with an open mind and no expectation is supportive.

Through conscious connected breathwork, coaching and EFT we can work on a subconscious level where we can remove unhelpful patterns of behaviour, gently release trauma, tension and pain. Around 95% of our thought patterns and behaviours are unconscious.

We always end the sessions with relaxation time this can include yoga nidra (a guided sleep meditation).

Our first session will last on average 90 mins and after that sessions will be 75 mins. They can be adapted to fit your schedule.

I usually work with people over a series of 4 sessions or more so we can work on a deeper level, integrate each session and you can feel confident to use these transformative tools in your daily life.

1:1 sessions are available online via Zoom and in person.

Fees vary depending upon type of session, length of session, the duration of the partnership & your personal circumstances.

“I’ve worked with Sophie for most of this year. The reason I keep coming back is because she’s everything you would want in a coach. She’s so intuitive, she’s always in tune with me and our sessions create a world of self discovery. She makes me laugh while pushing me further than I thought I could go.” - Jenny



90 minutes Initial Breathwork & Coaching Session

These powerful sessions last on average 90mins, and can be adapted to fit schedules. 1:1 sessions are available online worldwide via the magic of Zoom


4 Transformative Breathwork & Coaching Sessions

3-4 sessions are ideal to begin and integrate regular breathwork and holistic healing practices to reduce stress and enhance wellbeing.

If this isn’t feasible right now, consider our Membership for £25/month to practice with a supportive group up to 3 times monthly.


As part of my commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity and accessibility within the cancer space, I offer concession prices for individuals who require financial assistance. Email me to explore this.